Jejak Masa Perundagian Pusaka Jawa Kuno


Jawa Kuno
Relief Candi
Masa Perundagian


Keris adalah senjata tikam gugusan belati yang termasuk salah satu budaya khas nusantara dengan keunikan tersendiri dalam penampilan, fungsi, dan teknik garapan. Meski banyak sumber mengenai asal-usulnya, mayoritas sejarah mengatakan bahwa keris berasal dari Jawa. Masyarakat Jawa diduga sudah mengenal keris sejak abad ke-6 atau ke-7. Namun, banyak yang belum teridentifikasi meski masih bisa dikenali. Di Indonesia, relief keris dapat ditemukan di Candi Borobudur pada abad ke-8, Candi Prambanan pada abad ke-9, atau patung lelaki Jawa dengan keris di pemandian Candi Cetha pada abad ke-15. Sementara bentuk keris yang dikenal saat ini setidaknya sudah muncul sejak abad ke-10.

The keris is a traditional Indonesian stabbing weapon that includes a variety of daggers, each with its unique appearance, function, and crafting techniques. Most historical accounts indicate that the keris originated in Java, although its exact origins remain uncertain. It is thought that the Javanese people have been familiar with the keris since the 6th or 7th century, but many details about its early history are still unknown. Depictions of the keris can be found in various archaeological sites in Indonesia, such as the Borobudur Temple in the 8th century, the Prambanan Temple in the 9th century, and statues of Javanese men with keris in the Cetha Temple baths in the 15th century. The recognized form of the keris that exists today has been around since at least the 10th century.


MAISEY, A. G. (2021). The Journey of the Javanese Keris. The Cultural Power of Personal Objects: Traditional Accounts and New Perspectives.

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