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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The manuscript has never been published by another publisher, and it is an original work that does not violate ethics and copyright laws.
  • The author is responsible for the authenticity and correct use of copyrighted materials, such as illustrations, images, charts, schematics, and others. Before the manuscript is published, make sure the materials are free of copyright or truth claims.
  • Ensure the quality of the illustrations (images, schematics, and diagrams). For sharp (good) printouts, provide them in separate files with a minimum image resolution of 300 dpi (ots per inch) in .jpg or .tif file formats.
  • The use of illustrations, whether in pictures, graphs, schemes, diagrams, or tables, must be identified in the form of numbering and information in sequence.
  • For the research paper, it should be the result of complete research.
  • The thickness of the manuscript to be published must be at least 90 pages A4 (the conditions are in accordance with the terms of manuscript submission). Manuscripts less than the specified thickness are considered more suitable for publication in journal papers or edited books.
  • For an edited book, each article ends with a bibliography.

Author Guidelines


Thank you for trusting us in publishing your manuscript. Writing and publishing a book is a monumental achievement for anyone. Therefore, it is our duty to ensure that the publishing process you undergo can proceed smoothly and constructively to produce a high-quality scholarly publication.

We believe that as the author, your primary focus should be on the content you write. When writing and publishing with us, you do not need to worry about the final layout. That will be our responsibility as the publisher.

This guide will assist you in preparing the manuscript so that you can fully concentrate on the content, while we work to package that content professionally and to high standards, ensuring that your book can be disseminated in various formats and withstand the test of time.

Before you begin submitting your manuscript, it's important to ensure that the manuscript adheres to the following guidelines:

  1. Free from fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, duplication, fragmentation/salami, and copyright/data/content violations.
  2. File format: MS Word (.doc, .docx)
  3. A4 size (21 x 29.7cm)
  4. Margin size: top 2.5cm; bottom 2.5cm; right 2.5cm; left 3cm.
  5. Font type: Times New Roman, size 12.
  6. Single column; line spacing 1.5 lines.
  7. Each page should be numbered (page numbering).

You should also ensure that the submitted manuscript follows the following structure:

  1. Preliminaries: Title page, Dedication page (optional), Foreword (optional), Preface, Acknowledgments (optional), Table of contents, List of figures (optional), List of tables (optional).
  2. Text Matter: Introduction/Prologue, Sections (optional), Chapters and Subchapters, Conclusion/Epilogue.
  3. Postliminaries: Appendix (optional), Reference list or bibliography, Further reading (optional), Glossary (optional), List of abbreviations (optional), Index, Editor's biography (for edited books), Author's biography.

You will find further details on what you need to pay attention to for each element of the structure we have defined.



  1. Title Page This page contains the title and subtitle of the work, as well as the author's/editor's name. Names are written without academic titles.
  2. a) For monographs, it includes the full name of the author.
  3. b) For edited books, it includes the full name of the editor.

This page can also include the names of translators, editors (for monographs), or individuals providing introductions that can add value or appeal to the manuscript.

  1. Dedication Page (optional) This page contains dedicatory words, mottos, poetic quotes, pearls of wisdom, or slogans; not exceeding five lines. Dedication should preferably be in simple and concise sentences.
  2. Foreword (optional) Contains appreciation for the work written by a figure or person outside the book's author considered relevant, such as officials or experts/figures in the field presented in the book. The foreword can have a title. The author's name and the affiliations of the person providing the foreword are placed at the end of the text.
  3. Preface Contains a description of the author/creator/editor about their work. The preface doesn't contain references or sources. Things that can be included in the preface:
  4. Background of writing the work,
  5. Writing guidelines,
  6. Advantages and/or unique selling points of the work,
  7. Target audience,
  8. Hopes or objectives behind creating the work.

There's no need to include sentences like "The author acknowledges that this book is far from perfect" or "This book still has many shortcomings." Such statements can be replaced with explanations related to the limitations of the work (see the following points).

  1. (Optional) Work Limitations; for example, "this work only focuses on field X because..." or "this work does not cover discussions in field Y because...." Include a brief argument as well.
  2. Acknowledgments/Thanks to parties that have contributed to the writing and publishing of the work. If the content of acknowledgment is too long (more than 10 lines/two paragraphs), create a separate section as a page of acknowledgments.
  3. The name of the author of the foreword is placed at the end of the text. You can also simply write "Author," "Author Team," or "Editor."
  4. Acknowledgments (optional) Only if acknowledgments in the preface are too long.
  5. Table of Contents Provided to help readers see the content of chapters or topics within the book and to understand their locations.
  6. a) For monographs, it includes main chapters and sub-chapters; sub-sub-chapters can be included if not too numerous.
  7. b) For edited books, it only includes chapters and mentions the names of the authors.
  8. List of Figures The list of figures includes figure numbers and titles.
  9. List of Tables The list of tables includes table numbers and titles.



  1. Introduction/Prologue This is the first chapter/Chapter I of the work. It contains a description of the intended content of the work to guide readers in understanding it. Commonly, it includes information about the background, definitions, and methodology. These contents should be summarized in a simple and concise form, minimizing technical language for easy comprehension by non-specialist readers. If technical terms or abbreviations are mentioned, they must be fully defined the first time they appear in the text.

The title of this chapter doesn't have to be "Introduction," but can be a word/phrase related to the content. If you want to divide this chapter into several subsections based on information, titles like "Literature Review," "Research Methodology," "Problem Statement/Definition," "Research Objectives," or "Research Benefits" are not allowed. Subsection titles should reflect the content of the subsection.

At the end of this chapter, there should be a description of the work's structure, which includes brief information about the content of the chapters to be discussed in the work.

  1. Section (optional) A categorization of themes/topics within the work, consisting of several chapters.
  2. Chapters The core content discussing the topics of the work. It can consist of several sub-chapters, which can be further divided into sub-sub-chapters. Contains text content, tables, and figures.
  3. a) For monographs, chapters should be continuous and interconnected. To understand the entire work, each chapter must be read from beginning to end; reading only a part/piece is not sufficient.
  4. b) For edited books, each chapter can stand alone. If separated, each chapter can become an independent written work/article. The interconnection between chapters is tied in the introduction/prologue. At the beginning of each chapter, the identity of the author's name is mentioned, and each chapter should have its own reference list.

There's no abstract at the beginning of chapters, whether for monographs or edited books. Just like in the introduction chapter, subsections titled "Discussion," "Analysis," or "Results" are not allowed. Topic sentences reflecting the content must be used directly.

Footnotes or endnotes can be used to provide additional explanations related to the discussion in the text. Using footnotes/endnotes solely for referencing is not allowed.

Chapters should be numbered using Roman numerals (Chapter I, II, III). For sub-chapter numbering, use capital letters (A., B., C.). For sub-sub-chapter numbering, use Arabic numerals (1., 2., 3.). If there is one more level below sub-sub-chapters, use lowercase letters (a., b., c.).

  1. Tables and Figures Discussion in chapters is supported by tables and figures. Graphs, diagrams, charts, schemes, and photos fall into the category of figures. They aim to clarify the presentation of data and information relevant to the topic, making it easier for readers to follow and understand the book's content.

Each table and figure should have a title (caption) that succinctly describes its content. The title can be a phrase or a complete sentence. If taken from an external source, the source must be included. Source citation follows the guidelines for citations and references.

Each table and figure should also be numbered sequentially based on appearance. The numbering is hierarchical according to chapters. For example, figures in Chapter 1 are numbered as Figure 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, and so on. Meanwhile, starting in Chapter 2, they are numbered as Figure 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, and so on.

When referenced in the text, refer to them by their respective numbers. For example: "In Figure 1.1, ..." rather than "In the figure above, ...".

Quality Standards for Image Files

Images, graphs, diagrams, charts, schemes, and photos should be provided as separate files (if many, they can be archived in .rar format). Minimum quality is 300 dpi (dots per inch), in JPEG (.jpeg) format without compression, or TIFF (.tiff).

  1. Citations There are two citation systems used by BRIN Publishing. The first system is the author-date system with parenthetical notes (author-date); the second system is the numbering system with footnotes/endnotes (notes and bibliography). For the author-date system, refer to the American Psychological Association (APA) Style, while for the notes and bibliography system, refer to the Chicago Manual of Style (CMS).

A work should only adopt one citation system. The choice between the two systems is left to you as the author, but it must be consistent. The APA author-date system is more commonly used in the life sciences and engineering fields, while the CMS notes and bibliography system is more popular in the humanities fields such as literature and history.



  1. Appendix (optional) Contains materials that are deemed supportive of the book's content but are generally not directly referenced in the text.
  2. Reference List or Bibliography For monographs, the final section must have a reference list or bibliography. In edited books, the reference list is not located in the final section but at the end of each chapter.

The reference list should only include sources for all citations mentioned in the text. Other sources can be included in the "Further Reading" section. If a work uses the APA author-date system, it must use a reference list (not a bibliography).

The bibliography should include sources for all citations mentioned in the text and can also include additional sources beyond that. If a work uses the CMS notes and bibliography system, it must use a bibliography (not a reference list).

  1. Further Reading (optional) Contains literary sources that are not cited in the text but are considered to enhance readers' understanding of the major topics discussed in the work.
  2. Glossary (optional) Contains a list of important terms found in the book's content, along with their explanations.
  3. List of Abbreviations and Acronyms (optional) Includes explanations for the full forms of abbreviations and acronyms that appear in the text.
  4. Index Both monographs and edited books must have an index. The index is the author's responsibility since the author knows best which index entries relate to the book's content. Subentries in the index should be presented alphabetically and not in word order.

Authors do not need to search for page numbers for indexed terms. This will be the responsibility of the editorial team at BRIN Publishing.

  1. Editor's Biography (for edited books) Contains brief information about the editor, at a minimum including their name, educational background, occupation, and experience relevant to the written manuscript's field, as well as a list of previously published works.
  2. Author's Biography Contains brief information about the author, at a minimum including their name, educational background, occupation, and experience relevant to the written manuscript's field, as well as a list of previously published works.



If you have ensured that your work follows the guidelines provided by BRIN Publishing, here are some things you need to double-check before submitting the manuscript:

  1. Make sure once again that your work is free from fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, duplication, fragmentation/salami, and copyright/data/content violations.
  2. Ensure you have obtained permission from relevant parties if your manuscript cites/uses external sources, including text and images/photos.
  3. Fill out the declaration letter and submit it along with the manuscript. The declaration document can be downloaded through the following link: [].
  4. Double-check the table of contents to ensure it matches the order and names of chapters and sub-chapters that appear in the text.
  5. For monographs, name your MS Word file using the following format: Monograph Title_Author's Name. (Example: Handbook_Guide_Budi.doc)
  6. For edited books, files can be separated by chapter and archived in one file (.rar). The naming format is as follows:

    Archive file (.rar): edited books Title_Editor's Name. Chapter files: Chapter Number_Chapter Title_Author's Name. For example, in the archive file: edited books Handbook_Budi.rar, there will be a file: Chapter 1_Introduction_Andi.doc
  1. Save image files in a separate folder, apart from the manuscript file. Archive them in .rar format. The archive file for images should be named using the format Monograph Title/ edited books Title_Author's Name_Images
    (Example: Handbook_Guide_Budi_Images.rar).
    For individual image files, they can be named using the format Image Title_Chapter_Image Number
    (Example: Workflow Diagram_Editor_Bab 1_Image 1.jpg)
  1. Ensure that both text and images in your manuscript are final.
  2. Submit your manuscript through [].
  3. It's advisable to review the Manuscript Checklist Table to ensure everything is complete before submitting the manuscript to us.


Title Page

  • Title, subtitle, author/editor names

Content Matter

  • Preface is included
  • Table of contents is included

Table of Contents

  • For Monographs: Includes chapters, sub-chapters, and sub-sub-chapters
  • For edited books: Includes chapters and author names

Chapter Titles, Sub-Chapters, and Sub-Sub-Chapters are consistent with the text content

Book Structure

  • Number of sections...
  • Number of chapters...
  • All chapters have been numbered


  • Sub-chapters and sub-sub-chapters have been numbered


  • For Monographs: Reference list/bibliography is in the postliminary section
  • For edited books: Reference list is at the end of each chapter
  • Reference style is consistent and follows guidelines


  • Tables have appropriate numbering
  • Tables have titles
  • Tables have sources cited (if referencing external sources)
  • Properly referenced in the text


  • Figures have appropriate numbering
  • Figures have titles
  • Figures have sources cited (if referencing external sources)
  • Properly referenced in the text
  • Image files are prepared separately from the manuscript
  • Image files in jpg or tif format
  • Resolution of 300 dpi

End Matter

  • Includes a reference list/bibliography (for monographs)
  • Includes an index
  • Includes author/editor biographies

Manuscript File

  • File naming format is correct


  • Obtained permission for external sources (text and images)


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