Lancipan Batu di Goa Arca Kangean


Benda prasejarah
Manusia purba
Goa Arca Kangean


Film Lancipan Batu di Goa Arca Kangean bercerita tentang penemuan benda prasejarah di lokasi Gua Kangean, Sumenep. Di dalamnya, ditemukan benda yang berkaitan dengan kegiatan kehidupan manusia purba.

This film tells the story of the discovery of prehistoric objects at the location of Kangean Cave, Sumenep. In it, objects were found related to ancient human life activities.


Sinaga, E. B., Sembiring, H., Wiradnyana, K., Rosyid, M., Oetomo, R. W., & Purnawibowo, S. (2020). Berkala Arkeologi Sangkhakala Vol. 23, No. 2, November 2020.

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Achmad Fatchur Rozaq


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