Luwak Coffee: The World's Most Expensive and Its Unique Process


Kopi luwak
Proses kopi luwak


Film dokumenter berjudul “Luwak Coffee: The World’s Most Expensive and Its Unique Process” berusaha menggali keunikan kopi luwak yang menjadi instrumen gastrodiplomacy dan multi track diplomacy jalur 3 (bisnis). Dimulai dengan sejarah kehadiran kopi luwak, kemudian proses produksi kopi luwak, sistem penjualan yang diterapkan beberapa petani kopi luwak di Bali, serta event yang pernah diikuti oleh para petani kopi luwak. Tak sampai di situ, film dokumenter ini juga berusaha menilik upaya pemerintah yang berkaitan dengan ekspor kopi luwak, keikutsertaan kopi luwak dalam exhibition pada G20 tahun 2022 di Bali, serta peran pemerintah ke depannya untuk mempromosikan kopi luwak ke luar negeri.

This film explores the unique qualities of kopi luwak, which serves as an instrument for gastrodiplomacy and multi-track diplomacy through the business industry. The film starts by delving into the history of kopi luwak, followed by its lengthy production process that makes it one of the most expensive coffees in the world. It also covers the sales systems implemented by several kopi luwak farmers in Bali, as well as the events attended by these farmers.


Muzaifa, M., Hasni, D., & Rahmi, F. (2019, October). What is kopi luwak? A literature review on production, quality and problems. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 365, No. 1, p. 012041). IOP Publishing.

Pratono, A. H., & Radjamin, I. P. (2012). Kopy Luwak: a conservation strategy for global market. Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, 2(8), 1-5.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Putu Ratih Kumala Dewi


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