Melukat: Legendary Spirit of Water


Budaya Bali
Praktik budaya


Melukat adalah praktik pembersihan spiritual yang menjadi bagian integral dari budaya Bali karena dilakukan oleh umat Hindu Bali sebagai bagian dari upacara keagamaan. Praktik ini bertujuan untuk membersihkan roh dan membuang energi negatif yang mengganggu keseimbangan spiritual individu dan menyucikan jiwa, membersihkan dosa, dan memperoleh keselarasan dengan alam dan Tuhan. Selain itu, Melukat juga digunakan sebagai upaya diplomasi pemerintah Indonesia melalui diplomasi budaya dan agama trans-internasional yaitu melalui jalur diplomasi multi track.

Melukat is a spiritual cleansing practice that is an integral part of Bali's culture, performed by Balinese Hindus during religious ceremonies. The purpose of this practice is to cleanse the soul and eliminate negative energy that may disrupt the spiritual balance of individuals or communities. Melukat is also believed to purify the soul, cleanse sins, and achieve harmony with nature and God. The process of melukat involves the use of holy water called "tirta," which is taken from sacred springs, rivers, or other holy places.


Dougherty, M. (2018). How the Balinese See the Sea: Interpretations of Oceanic Power.

Kamvysselis, M. I. K. (2023). Melukat: Exploring the Educational Significance of Purity in Balinese Ritual Practices and Religious Leadership Development. Journal of Education and Learning, 12(5), 102-116.

Indriani, M. N. (2019). The Existence of Local Wisdom in The Dimension of Water Sources Washed in Bali. PROCEEDING BOOK, 101.

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Copyright (c) 2024 Putu Ratih Kumala Dewi


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