Gaya Busana Arca dan Ragam Hias Candi Masa Hindu-Budha Abad 8-14 di Malang


Gaya busana
Ragam hias


Film dokumenter ini bercerita tentang gaya busana arca di abad ke-8 dan 13 Masehi. Gaya busana arca ini merepresentasikan model dan cara berpakaian masyarakat di era itu. Melalui eksplorasi berbagai candi di Malang Raya, didapati fakta beragamnya gaya dan hisan busana pada masa itu.

This film portrays the fashion style prevalent in the sculpture of the 8th-13th century AD. The sculpture fashion style reflects the clothing and model of the society during that era. After exploring different temples in Malang, it was discovered that there were diverse styles and decorations of clothing prevalent in that period.


Nizam, A. (2013). Transformasi Bentuk dan Makna Ragam Hias Indonesia.

Muthi’ah, W., Sachari, A., Setiawan, P., & Destiarman, A. H. (2021). Komparasi Busana Arca Harihara Era Majapahit: Koleksi Museum Nasional Jakarta, Pusat Informasi Majapahit Trowulan, dan Museum Anjuk Ladang Nganjuk. HASTAGINA: JURNAL KRIYA DAN INDUSTRI KREATIF, 1(01), 18-25.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Gedhe Ashari


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