Owa Jawa merupakan keluarga kera yang termasuk dalam satwa dilindungi karena keberadaannya hampir punah. Owa dapat dijumpai di Hutan Petungkriyo Pekalongan, Jawa Tengah. Di bawah naungan perhutani, Konservasi Hutan Petungkriyo bekerja sama dengan Lembaga Swara Owa untuk menjaga habitat Owa Jawa. Wawan, penggerak Lembaga Swara Owa, menjalani keseharian menjadi pengamat Owa dan mencoba menyadarkan warga sekitar Petungkriyo untuk menjaga habitat Owa. Berkat kegigihannya, warga sekitar yang sebelumnya berprofesi pemburu menjadi pelindung Owa dan merubah wajah hutan Petungkriyo menjadi hutan wisata dengan keunikan obervasi Owa di alam liar.
The Javan gibbon is a type of primate that is considered a protected species due to its critically endangered status. These gibbons can be found in the Petungkriyo Forest of Pekalongan, Central Java. The Petungkriyo Forest Conservation, in collaboration with the Gibbon Swara Institute and under the supervision of Perhutani, works to safeguard the habitat of the Javan gibbon. Wawan, who leads the Gibbon Swara Institute, dedicates his life to observing gibbons and raising awareness among the local residents around Petungkriyo about the importance of protecting the gibbon habitat. His efforts have successfully transformed former hunters into gibbon protectors, causing the Petungkriyo forest to change from a hunting ground to a tourist destination known for its unique opportunities to observe gibbons in their natural habitat.
Yuwati, T. W., Dewi, A. E., Fahmi, A. A., Imron, M. A., Tafrichan, M., Soeherman, Y., ... & Pratiwi, D. (2023). Formulating the Direction of Community Land Use to Support the Conservation of Javanese Gibbon (Hylobates moloch) Habitat at Petungkriyono, Central Java. In BIO Web of Conferences (Vol. 80, p. 03010). EDP Sciences.
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