

Desa Trenggalek
Warisan leluhur


Di perdesaan Trenggalek, masyarakat telah mengolah singkong menjadi tiwul sejak lama. Tiwul tetap menjadi sumber karbohidrat selain beras dan roti, dianggap sebagai warisan leluhur, identitas, dan sumber kebahagiaan.

In the rural areas of Trenggalek, the community has been processing cassava into tiwul for a long time. Tiwul continues to be a source of carbohydrates, alongside rice and bread, and is regarded as a heritage from ancestors, an identity, and a source of happiness.


Jesica, C., Cansa, E. S. T. H. E. R. I. N. A., Fidelia, J. E. N. N. I. C. A., Irwan, J., Wira, Y., & Nugroho, A. D. I. (2017). Gaplek, Tiwul And Gatot as Staple Food in Javanese Barren Area. Int J Hist, 7(4), 1-6.

Shelayanti, V. (2013). Preferensi pangan pokok non beras di Desa Parakan Trenggalek.

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Copyright (c) 2023 Gede Ashari


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