Mosango adalah tradisi menangkap ikan secara beramai-ramai dengan alat sango, dilakukan oleh masyarakat sekitar Danau Poso saat air danau surut. Mosango merupakan tradisi ramah lingkungan yang menunjukkan kerja sama dan kebahagiaan berbagi rejeki.
Mosango is a tradition of collectively catching fish using Sango as a tool and is practiced by the communities around Lake Poso when the lake's water level recedes. This is an environmentally friendly tradition that demonstrates cooperation and the joy of sharing blessings.
Putra, W., Rahayu, T., & Wahyudi, A. (2021). Analysis of the Potential of Sport Tourism as a Tourist Attraction in Lake Poso. Journal of Physical Education and Sports, 10(3), 265-271.
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