Pasca gempa dan tsunami di Maumere tahun 1992, rumah-rumah semi permanen dari gedeg (basing) dibangun oleh warga sebagai alternatif yang aman. Namun, sekarang rumah-rumah tersebut mulai ditinggalkan, mengancam mata pencaharian perajin gedeg dan potensi hilangnya pengetahuan dalam pembuatan gedeg.
After the earthquake and tsunami in Maumere in 1992, semi-permanent houses made from palm thatch, known as basing, were constructed by residents as a safe alternative. However, these houses are now starting to be abandoned, threatening the livelihoods of palm thatch craftsmen and the potential loss of knowledge in palm thatch crafting.
Wijaya, D. A. (2017, April). Kearifan Lokal Joglo Majapahit di Lingkungan Masyarakat Agraris Dalam Arus Modernisasi. In PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL SEJARAH LOKAL: TANTANGAN DAN MASA DEPAN (p. 47).
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