Suhadi, seorang petugas Perhutani, berperan penting dalam pelestarian dan pemanfaatan potensi pariwisata Goa Ngerit di Trenggalek. Dengan kerja kerasnya, ia bersama warga setempat berhasil mengelola dan menjaga kelestarian gua tersebut meskipun menghadapi berbagai tantangan.
Suhadi, a forestry corporation officer known as Perhutani, plays a crucial role in the conversation and utilization of the tourism potential of Ngerit Cave in Trenggalek. Through his dedication and hard work, he, along with the local residents, has successfully managed and preserved the cave despite facing various challenges.
Rahayu, S. P. P., Anantanyu, S., & Mulyanto, M. (2019, August). Partisipasi masyarakat kelompok sadar wisata dalam pembangunan kepariwisataan di Kabupaten Trenggalek. In Prosiding Industrial Research Workshop and National Seminar (Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 1348-1356).
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