Panduan dan Profil Penghargaan Siwabessy Award dan G.A. Siwabessy Memorial Lecture Tahun 2024
Siwabessy, G.A. Siwabessy, Award, Memorial Lecture, PenghargaanSynopsis
Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN) bekerja sama dengan Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan (LPDP) merasa perlu untuk memberikan penghargaan tertinggi secara berkelanjutan kepada perorangan yang berasal dari internal maupun dari eksternal BRIN. Siwabessy Award adalah suatu penganugerahan yang merupakan salah satu bentuk apresiasi BRIN kepada insan dan tokoh (perusahaan, industri, akademisi, profesional) yang sudah berkecimpung dan menghasilkan berbagai prestasi maupun inovasi yang temuannya sangat luar biasa dan menaruh perhatian khusus dalam dunia ketenaganukliran di Indonesia. Sementara itu, G.A. Siwabessy Memorial Lecture merupakan suatu kegiatan keilmuan dalam bentuk orasi ilmiah yang disampaikan oleh individu yang berjasa dalam penemuan, pengembangan, dan penyebarluasan di bidang ilmu pengetahuan dan ketenaganukliran, serta memiliki kontribusi bagi masyarakat dan bangsa Indonesia.
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1. Irka, F.H., Su'Ud, Z., Irwanto, D., Khotimah, S.N., Sekimoto, H., Design study of small modular gas-cooled fast reactor employing modified CANDLE burnup with radial direction shuffling scheme, (2023) Kerntechnik, 88 (5), pp. 566-576.
2. Miftasani, F., Widiawati, N., Trianti, N., Salma Salsabila, D., Setiadipura, T., Wulandari, C., Irwanto, D., Permana, S., Su'ud, Z., Comparison of thermal-hydraulic calculation in 100 MWt thorium-based HTGR using SiC and ZrC TRISO coated fuel particle, (2023) Nuclear Engineering and Design, 412, art. no. 112463, . Cited 1 time.
3. Miftasani, F., Widiawati, N., Trianti, N., Setiadipura, T., Zuhair, Z., Irwanto, D., Permana, S., Su'ud, Z., Optimization of 200 MWt HTGR with ThUN-based fuel and zirconium carbide TRISO layer (2023) Kerntechnik, 88 (4), pp. 503-517. Cited 1 time.
4. Arkundato, A., Monado, F., Sugihartono, I., Rivai, A.K., Suud, Z., Diffusion coefficient calculation of iron in liquid lead using molecular dynamics method with new mixing rule for Lennard-Jones potential parameters, (2023) Kuwait Journal of Science, 50 (3), .
5. Widiawati, N., Su'ud, Z., Irwanto, D., Permana, S., Takaki, N., Sekimoto, H., Design study of 208Pb-Bi eutectic-cooled reactor with natural uranium as fuel cycle input with radial fuel shuffling, (2022) Annals of Nuclear Energy, 171, art. no. 109003, .
6. Raflis, H., Su'ud, Z., Waris, A., Irwanto, D., Core design selection for a long-life modular gas-cooled fast reactor using OpenMC code, (2022) International Journal of Energy Research, 46 (7), pp. 9389-9403. Cited 2 times.
7. Zuhair, Dwijayanto, R.A.P., Sriyono, Suwoto, Su'Ud, Z., Preliminary study on TRU transmutation in VVER-1000 fuel assembly using MCNP6, (2022) Kerntechnik, 87 (3), pp. 305-315. Cited 3 times.
8. Miftasani, F., Su'ud, Z., Irwanto, D., Permana, S., Comparison of neutronic aspects in high-temperature gas-cooled reactor using ZrC and SiC Triso particle with 50 and 100 MWt power, (2022) International Journal of Energy Research, 46 (4), pp. 4852-4868.
9. Maemunah, I.R., Su'ud, Z., Waris, A., Irwanto, D., Tritium Breeding Performance Analysis of HCLL Blanket Fusion Reactor Employing Vanadium Alloy (V-5Cr-5Ti) as First Wall Material, (2022) Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations, 2022, art. no. 5300160, .
10. Widiawati, N., Su'ud, Z., Irwanto, D., Permana, S., Takaki, N., Sekimoto, H., Initial core design analysis of lead (208) -bismuth eutectic-cooled reactor with radial fuel shuffling (2021) International Journal of Energy Research, 45 (8), pp. 12317-12324.
11. Shafii, M.A., Septi, R., Handayani Irka, F., Arkundato, A., Su'ud, Z., Neutronic analysis of sodium-cooled fast reactor design with different fuel types using modified CANDLE shuffling strategy in a radial direction, (2021) International Journal of Energy Research, 45 (8), pp. 12272-12283. Cited 1 time.
12. Raflis, H., Muhammad, I., Su'ud, Z., Waris, A., Irwanto, D., Reflector materials selection for core design of modular gas-cooled fast reactor using OpenMC code, (2021) International Journal of Energy Research, 45 (8), pp. 12071-12085. Cited 5 times.
13. Widiawati, N., Su'ud, Z., Irwanto, D., Permana, S., Takaki, N., Sekimoto, H., Enhancing the performance of a long-life modified CANDLE fast reactor by using an enriched 208Pb as coolant, (2021) Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 53 (2), pp. 423-429.
14. Syarifah, R.D., Su'ud, Z., Basar, K., Irwanto, D., Pattipawaej, S.C., Ilham, M., Comparison of uranium plutonium nitride (U-Pu-N) and thorium nitride (Th-N) fuel for 500 MWth gas-cooled fast reactor (GFR) long life without refueling, (2018) International Journal of Energy Research, 42 (1), pp. 214-220.
15. Permana, S., Waris, A., Suud, Z., Sekimoto, H. Void reactivity aspect and fuel conversion potential of heavy water cooled thorium reactor (2018) International Journal of Energy Research, 42 (1), pp. 171-177.
16. Sunarko, Suud, Z., Implementation of meso-scale radioactive dispersion model for GPU (2017) Kerntechnik, 82 (2), pp. 225-231.
17. Zuhair, Suwoto, Setiadipura, T., Su'ud, Z., The effects of applying silicon carbide coating on core reactivity of pebble-bed HTR in water ingress accident, (2017) Kerntechnik, 82 (1), pp. 92-97.
18. Su'ud, Z., Widiawati, N., Sekimoto, H., Artoto, A. Safety analysis of Pb-208 cooled 800 MWt modified CANDLE reactors (2017) Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 799 (1), art. no. 012013
19. Su'ud, Z., Accident analysis simulation in modular 300MWt gas cooled fast reactor (2017) Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 799 (1), art. no. 012003, .
20. Su'Ud, Z., Miftasani, F., Ilham, Sarah, A., Ariani, M., Sekimoto, H., Waris, A., Sidik, P. Design Study of Small Modified CANDLE based Long Life Gas Cooled Fast Reactors (2017) Energy Procedia, 131, pp. 6-14. Cited 10 times.
December 4, 2024
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