An Alphabetical List of Plant Species Cultivated in “Eka Karya” Bali Botanic Garden


Agung Kurniawan, National Research and Innovation Agency; I Made Sumerta, National Research and Innovation Agency; I Nyoman Sudiatna, National Research and Innovation Agency; Ni Made Suriani, National Research and Innovation Agency; Haruly Merriansyah, National Research and Innovation Agency; I Wayan Armawa, National Research and Innovation Agency; Dyan Meiningsasi Siswoyo Putri, National Research and Innovation Agency; Rajif Iryadi, National Research and Innovation Agency


Bali Botanic Garden, Plant Collection, Botanic Garden, Eka Karya, Bali


This book provides the description of collections of the living plants at “Eka Karya” Bali Botanic Garden, which has been updated every four or five years. This is the second edition of the previous publication, An Alphabetical List of Plant Species Cultivated in Bali Botanic Garden.

In order to obtain a well-organized data collection, each plant collection was thoroughly observed and the data were synchronized with other supporting data, while the names of plant species have undergone a mixture of validation and verification activities, either by taxonomists or technicians. Thus, this catalogue is beneficial at providing the baseline data for multi-user, such as botanists, conservationists, researchers, scholars, stakeholders, students, and many more.


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Author Biographies

Agung Kurniawan, National Research and Innovation Agency

Agung Kurniawan is a B.Sc. graduated from Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, University of Padjadjaran with plant ecology as thesis topic. Since 2005 until present, he has been employed as a plant database operator at Bali Botanic Garden. Alongside the botanic garden activities, since 2007, he has been working on general botanic studies, including aroids (Araceae).

I Made Sumerta, National Research and Innovation Agency

I Made Sumerta was born in Kalibukbuk, Buleleng, Bali, on March 8, 1971. He is a B.Sc. graduated from Agronomy Department, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Panji Sakti. He has been working at Bali Botanic Garden since March 1990. Aside from manual mapping and botany illustration as his expertise, he keep assisting in plant identification.

I Nyoman Sudiatna, National Research and Innovation Agency

I Nyoman Sudiatna was born in Kayuputih, Buleleng-Bali, on September 24, 1964. He has been working at Bali Botanic Garden for over 30 years. His experienced skill in plant propagation is obtained during his dedication in Garden Nursery Division within half of working period. In the last dozen years, he is well-known as a plant identificator as well. His identification skill includes seedling and mature plant.

Ni Made Suriani, National Research and Innovation Agency

Ni Made Suriani was born in Candikuning, Bali, on August 16, 1982. She became a temporary employee in Bali Botanic Garden in 2002 as staff of Plant Database Division, then was accepted as a civil servant in 2009. Five years later, in 2014, she was promoted as Research and Engineering Technician. Recently, she is one of the most experienced staff on processing of plant collection documentation.

Haruly Merriansyah, National Research and Innovation Agency

Haruly Merriansyah is a B.Sc. graduated from Faculty of Agriculture, University of Udayana Bali. He has worked at Bali Botanic Garden since March 2006 as Plant Database Division staff. Then, he worked on plant database, including flowering dan fruiting data management. Nowadays he works as a digital mapping editor.

I Wayan Armawa, National Research and Innovation Agency

I Wayan Armawa was born in Pemuteran, Bali, on October 18, 1983. He has worked at Bali Botanic Garden since 2004 as a temporary employee. In 2010, he was appointed as a civil servant. Currently, he manages the documentation of plant collection database and co-worker of Inspection Officer of living collection.

Dyan Meiningsasi Siswoyo Putri, National Research and Innovation Agency

Dyan Meiningsasi Siswoyo Putri completed her B.Sc. in Biology Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Brawijaya University in 2001. She has been working at the Bali Botanic Garden since 2002 as botany researcher. She can be contacted via email:

Rajif Iryadi, National Research and Innovation Agency

Rajif Iryadi completed his B.Sc. in Cartography & Remote Sensing, Faculty of Geography, Gadjah Mada University in 2011. He has worked for the Bali Botanic Garden since 2014. Then, in 2019 he was transferred to the Research Center for Plant Conservation and Botanic Gardens, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI). He is a botany researcher who is interested in spatial ecology and reintroduction. He can be contacted via email:


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July 6, 2022



Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)
