Indonesia Post-Pandemic Outlook: Environment and Technology Role for Indonesia Development


Rahmat Trialih (ed), university college cork; Fefi Eka Wardiani (ed), Chung Yuan Christian University; Rendy Anggriawan (ed), Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee; Cendra Devayana Putra (ed), National Cheng Kung University; Ahmad Said (ed), Universiti Sains Malaysia


PPI Dunia, Technology, Environment, Post-Pandemic, Environment Protection, Human Resource


COVID-19 has disrupted all aspects of human life. To mitigate the impact of the pandemic, several efforts have been taken, including by Indonesian scholars abroad. This book entitled Indonesia Post-Pandemic Outlook: Environment and Technology Role for Indonesia Development explores environment and technology issues and topics related to the COVID-19 pandemic and discusses post-pandemic recovery efforts in Indonesia. Comprising of 19 chapters, this book is divided into four sections. The first section, disaster and greening management development, discusses insights for a better solution in disaster prevention and development of greening management. Second, waste and pollution management development, explores options in development of waste and pollution management such as potentials uses of membrane technology, remediation of textile dyes, biochar industry, and also discussion on persistent organic pollution and microplastics. Third, food defense and security development, explores the potentials of food security and management in utilizing the potential of coastal sand marginal land resources, IoT and smart packaging, and smart food supply chain. The last part, human resource and public service development, discuses developments on management of education system, public transportation, e-government, and health information system. We hope that this book can be a valuable reference for stakeholders, policymakers, as well as society to recover from the pandemic crisis and find better solutions to benefit future generations.



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November 28, 2022

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