From Colonization to Nation-State: The Political Demography of Indonesia


Riwanto Tirtosudarmo


Political demography, migration, Indonesia


Offers a new approach on political demography perspectives to study migration in Indonesia from colonial times to the present. Presents Indonesia as a showcase of how demography plays an important role in shaping the contours of the nation state. Demarcates the future of migration studies as interdisciplinary.


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Author Biography

Riwanto Tirtosudarmo

Riwanto Tirtosudarmo accomplished his doctoral degree in social demography at Research School of Social Sciences, the Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, in 1990. Since 1980 he works at the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) as a social researcher and retired in 2017. He publishes extensively in scientific and popular journals on political demography and the politics of population mobility in Indonesia and Southeast Asia, and is the author of Demografi-Politik Pembangunan di Indonesia: Dari Riau sampai Timor Timur (The Political Demography of Development in Indonesia: From Riau to East Timor) in 1996; Mencari Indonesia: Demografi Politik Pasca-Soeharto (Searching for Indonesia: The Post-Soeharto Political Demography) in 2007; Mencari Indonesia 2: Batas-Batas Rekayasa Sosial (Searching for Indonesia 2: The Limits of Social Engineering) in 2010; On the Politics of Migration in Indonesia and Beyond, 2016; republished as The Politics of Migration in Indonesia and Beyond in 2019 (Springer). He was a Fulbright Visiting Fellow at the Department of Sociology, Brown University (1996–1997), Fellow-in-Residence 2000–2001 at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS), Visiting Senior Research Fellow at Refugee Studies Center, Oxford University (2002), and Visiting Professor at the Research Institute of Language and Culture, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (2003–2004). In March–April 2008, he was visiting Researcher at KITLV, Leiden, and Visiting Senior Research Fellow at Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore (July–September 2008). He served as a member of the International Editorial Advisory Board of Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies and Asian Policy and Politics.


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April 14, 2022

